
Build your digital freelance agency

Transform your freelance business from solo to agency model. Hire and lead other freelancers to deliver more client projects while you focus on managing and scaling your business. This is your chance to think as an entrepreneur, not a solopreneur.
Build your digital digital freelance agency



Learn cutting-edge entrepreneurial skills

Build a top-rated agency on global, digital-freelancing platforms by developing a set of key entrepreneurial skills, from leadership and project management to marketing, pitching, and bidding. Learn how to subcontract and monitor a network of vetted freelancers to complete client work while you focus on running and growing your agency.

Edge your way into the global gig economy

Explore a world of remote gig opportunities, boost your agency’s visibility step by step, and master the art of winning new clients on global freelance marketplaces such as freelance.com and Upwork. When uniting forces with other freelancers instead of working on your own, your agency is not only more competitive, but also more sustainable and resilient to fluctuating market demands.


Find your agency’s competitive edge

When hiring or subcontracting freelancers with a variety of skills, you will be able to offer a more diverse range of services to more clients in a shorter time. As your business grows further, you will be able to identify and strengthen your value proposition to clients as an agency, and to your team members as a leader, projects manager, or maybe sales manager.


Have a question? Check out our frequently asked questions to find your answer

Why a Freelance Agency?

Creating a freelance agency allows you to manage your own business by working with other freelancers and digi-workers from the comfort of your home. Consequently, you will be able to offer more services to your clients through your own established network of vetted freelancers working on a range of services, such as graphic design, web development, software development, copyrighting, and digital marketing. As a solopreneur, you will limit the scope of your business by selling your own skills only, on the other hand, through an agency you serve more clients than you can on your own by assigning different assignments to different freelancers therefore build a more resilient business. If demand for one service falls down, you can monetise another by finding the right freelancers to do the job. With more services and more clients, you can generate higher profit margins.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer. It all depends on your skills and personality. If you upgrade your leadership and management skills and you are the kind of person who is good at scouting for skilled freelancers, managing projects, marketing your agency, and following up on different accounts, then an agency is your best choice. If you like to play solo and prefer to do things on your own, then the agency model is not for you.

Anyone who is passionate to grow their entrepreneurial skills and start their own business, fully online. It is preferable though that you have previous experience in freelancing or running a freelance agency.

You will learn how to perform and manage fully-remote freelance work, gigs, and assignments so you are able to manage a freelance agency. You will also learn leadership, project management, digital marketing, pitching, bidding, proposal writing, and other skills that you need to partner or subcontract with other freelancers.

All training material will be delivered in Arabic.

The duration of the training programme is 4 months, followed by a 5-month of coaching and mentoring stage, and after that comes the agencies’ setup period lasting another 5 months, to provide technical and financial support.

This training course is part of a wider project called EDGE, which supports freelance agencies, entrepreneurs, and business incubators in Palestine. The project is funded by GIZ and implemented by Leaders International (www.leadersinternational.org).

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Supported by

GIZLeaders InternationalMinistry of National Economy